@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.util.Pair;
import lombok.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Unmodifiable;
import java.util.*;
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedReturnValue", "OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType", "OptionalAssignedToNull"})
public final class GameData {
private final @Unmodifiable List<UUID> players;
private final @Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> score;
private final Integer round;
private final @Unmodifiable Map<UUID, @Unmodifiable List<Card>> hands;
private final Optional<Card> trumpCard;
private final Card.Suit trumpSuit;
private final @Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> predictions;
private final @Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> tricks;
private final Integer trick;
private final @Unmodifiable List<Pair<UUID, Card>> stack;
private final UUID currentPlayer;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredPlayers;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredRound;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredTrick;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredHands;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredTrumpCard;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredTrumpSuit;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredStack;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredPredictions;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredTricks;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredScore;
private @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude transient boolean requiredCurrentPlayer;
@Builder(toBuilder = true)
private GameData(@Unmodifiable List<UUID> players,
@Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> score,
Integer round,
@Unmodifiable Map<UUID, @Unmodifiable List<Card>> hands,
Optional<Card> trumpCard,
Card.Suit trumpSuit,
@Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> predictions,
@Unmodifiable Map<UUID, Integer> tricks,
Integer trick,
@Unmodifiable List<Pair<UUID, Card>> stack,
UUID currentPlayer)
this.players = players != null ? List.copyOf(players) : null;
this.score = score != null ? Map.copyOf(score) : null;
this.round = round;
this.hands = hands != null ? Map.copyOf(hands) : null;
this.trumpCard = trumpCard;
this.trumpSuit = trumpSuit;
this.predictions = predictions != null ? Map.copyOf(predictions) : null;
this.tricks = tricks != null ? Map.copyOf(tricks) : null;
this.trick = trick;
this.stack = stack != null ? List.copyOf(stack) : null;
this.currentPlayer = currentPlayer;
//<editor-fold desc="Getters" defaultstate="collapsed">
public List<UUID> getPlayers() {
if (players == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return players;
public int getRound() {
if (round == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return round;
public int getTrick() {
if (trick == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return trick;
public Map<UUID, List<Card>> getHands() {
if (hands == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return hands;
public Card getTrumpCard() {
if (trumpCard == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return trumpCard.orElse(null);
public Card.Suit getTrumpSuit() {
if (trumpSuit == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return trumpSuit;
public List<Pair<UUID, Card>> getStack() {
if (stack == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return stack;
public Map<UUID, Integer> getPredictions() {
if (predictions == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return predictions;
public Map<UUID, Integer> getTricks() {
if (tricks == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return tricks;
public Map<UUID, Integer> getScore() {
if (score == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return score;
public UUID getCurrentPlayer() {
if (currentPlayer == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return currentPlayer;
public UUID getPlayer(int index) {
return getPlayers().get(index);
public int getPlayerCount() {
return getPlayers().size();
//<editor-fold desc="Requirements" defaultstate="collapsed">
public GameData requirePlayers() {
if (players == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredPlayers = true;
return this;
public GameData requireRound() {
if (round == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredRound = true;
return this;
public GameData requireTrick() {
if (trick == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredTrick = true;
return this;
public GameData requireHands() {
if (hands == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredHands = true;
return this;
public GameData requireAllHands() {
for (UUID uuid : players) {
if (!hands.containsKey(uuid)) {
throw new AssertionError();
return this;
public GameData requireTrumpCard() {
if (trumpCard == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredTrumpCard = true;
return this;
public GameData requireTrumpSuit() {
if (trumpSuit == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredTrumpSuit = true;
return this;
public GameData requireStack() {
if (stack == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredStack = true;
return this;
public GameData requirePredictions() {
if (predictions == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredPredictions = true;
return this;
public GameData requireAllPredictions() {
for (UUID uuid : players) {
if (!predictions.containsKey(uuid)) {
throw new AssertionError();
return this;
public GameData requireTricks() {
if (tricks == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredTricks = true;
return this;
public GameData requireScore() {
if (score == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredScore = true;
return this;
public GameData requireCurrentPlayer() {
if (currentPlayer == null) throw new AssertionError();
requiredCurrentPlayer = true;
return this;
public GameData onlyRequired() {
var builder = toBuilder();
if (!requiredPlayers) builder.players(null);
if (!requiredRound) builder.round(null);
if (!requiredTrick) builder.trick(null);
if (!requiredHands) builder.hands(null);
if (!requiredTrumpCard) builder.trumpCard(null);
if (!requiredTrumpSuit) builder.trumpSuit(null);
if (!requiredStack) builder.stack(null);
if (!requiredPredictions) builder.predictions(null);
if (!requiredTricks) builder.tricks(null);
if (!requiredScore) builder.score(null);
if (!requiredCurrentPlayer) builder.currentPlayer(null);
requiredPlayers = false;
requiredRound = false;
requiredTrick = false;
requiredHands = false;
requiredTrumpCard = false;
requiredTrumpSuit = false;
requiredStack = false;
requiredPredictions = false;
requiredTricks = false;
requiredScore = false;
requiredCurrentPlayer = false;
//<editor-fold desc="Wither" defaultstate="collapsed">
public GameData withPrediction(UUID player, int prediction) {
Map<UUID, Integer> predictions = new HashMap<>(getPredictions());
predictions.put(player, prediction);
return withPredictions(predictions);
public GameData withNextPlayer() {
int index = getPlayers().indexOf(getCurrentPlayer());
UUID next;
if (index == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else if (index == getPlayerCount() - 1) {
next = getPlayers().get(0);
} else {
next = getPlayers().get(index + 1);
return withCurrentPlayer(next);
public GameData withNextTrick() {
int trick = getTrick();
return withTrick(trick + 1);
public GameData withNextRound() {
int round = getRound();
return withRound(round + 1);
public GameData withCardPlayed(UUID player, Card card) {
List<Card> hand = new ArrayList<>(getHands().get(player));
Map<UUID, List<Card>> hands = new HashMap<>(getHands());
hands.put(player, hand);
List<Pair<UUID, Card>> stack = new ArrayList<>(getStack());
stack.add(Pair.of(player, card));
return withStack(stack).withHands(hands);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(");
if (players != null) builder.append("players=").append(players).append(", ");
if (round != null) builder.append("round=").append(round).append(", ");
if (trick != null) builder.append("trick=").append(trick).append(", ");
if (hands != null) builder.append("hands=").append(hands).append(", ");
if (trumpCard != null) builder.append("trumpCard=").append(trumpCard).append(", ");
if (trumpSuit != null) builder.append("trumpSuit=").append(trumpSuit).append(", ");
if (stack != null) builder.append("stack=").append(stack).append(", ");
if (predictions != null) builder.append("predictions=").append(predictions).append(", ");
if (tricks != null) builder.append("tricks=").append(tricks).append(", ");
if (currentPlayer != null) builder.append("currentPlayer=").append(currentPlayer).append(", ");
if (builder.length() > 1) builder.setLength(builder.length() - 2);
return builder.toString();
// An interface for @lombok.experimental.Delegate
public interface Getters {
@NotNull List<UUID> getPlayers();
@NotNull Map<UUID, Integer> getScore();
int getRound();
@NotNull Map<UUID, List<Card>> getHands();
@Nullable Card getTrumpCard();
@NotNull Card.Suit getTrumpSuit();
@NotNull Map<UUID, Integer> getPredictions();
@NotNull Map<UUID, Integer> getTricks();
int getTrick();
@NotNull List<Pair<UUID, Card>> getStack();
@NotNull UUID getCurrentPlayer();
@NotNull UUID getPlayer(int index);
int getPlayerCount();
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.util.Pair;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Value;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Unmodifiable;
import java.util.*;
@EqualsAndHashCode(of = "values")
public final class GameData {
private static final int SIZE = 11;
public static final Key<List<UUID>> PLAYERS = new Key<>("players", 0);
public static final Key<Map<UUID, Integer>> SCORE = new Key<>("score", 1);
public static final Key<Integer> ROUND = new Key<>("round", 2);
public static final Key<Map<UUID, List<Card>>> HANDS = new Key<>("hands", 3);
public static final Key<Card> TRUMP_CARD = new Key<>("trumpCard", 4);
public static final Key<Card.Suit> TRUMP_SUIT = new Key<>("trumpSuit", 5);
public static final Key<Map<UUID, Integer>> PREDICTIONS = new Key<>("predictions", 6);
public static final Key<Map<UUID, Integer>> TRICKS = new Key<>("tricks", 7);
public static final Key<Integer> TRICK = new Key<>("trick", 8);
public static final Key<List<Pair<UUID, Card>>> STACK = new Key<>("stack", 9);
public static final Key<UUID> CURRENT_PLAYER = new Key<>("currentPlayer", 10);
private final Object[] values;
private final boolean[] present;
private transient final boolean[] required = new boolean[SIZE];
public GameData() {
this.values = new Object[SIZE];
this.present = new boolean[SIZE];
private GameData(Object[] values, boolean[] present) {
this.values = values;
this.present = present;
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped or {@code null} if this map contains no mapping for the
* key.
* @param key the key whose associated value is to be returned
* @param <T> the value type
* @return the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key
public <T> T get(@NotNull Key<T> key) {
int index = key.index();
if (!present[index]) throw new NoSuchElementException();
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) values[index];
* Returns a copy of this map with the value for the specified key changed or {@code this} if the current value
* is equal to the new value.
* @param key the key whose associated value is to be changed
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key
* @param <T> the value type
* @return the newly generated map or {@code this} is no changes had to be made
public <T> GameData with(@NotNull Key<T> key, T value) {
int index = key.index();
if (present[index] && Objects.equals(values[index], value)) {
return this;
Object[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(this.values, SIZE);
boolean[] newPresent = Arrays.copyOf(this.present, SIZE);
newValues[index] = value;
newPresent[index] = true;
return new GameData(newValues, newPresent);
public <T1, T2> GameData with(@NotNull Key<T1> key1, T1 value1, Key<T2> key2, T2 value2) {
int index1 = key1.index();
int index2 = key2.index();
if (present[index1]
&& present[index2]
&& Objects.equals(values[index1], value1)
&& Objects.equals(values[index2], value2)) {
return this;
Object[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(this.values, SIZE);
boolean[] newPresent = Arrays.copyOf(this.present, SIZE);
newValues[index1] = value1;
newPresent[index1] = true;
newValues[index2] = value2;
newPresent[index2] = true;
return new GameData(newValues, newPresent);
public <T1, T2, T3> GameData with(@NotNull Key<T1> key1, T1 value1, Key<T2> key2, T2 value2, Key<T3> key3, T3 value3) {
int index1 = key1.index();
int index2 = key2.index();
int index3 = key3.index();
if (present[index1]
&& present[index2]
&& present[index3]
&& Objects.equals(values[index1], value1)
&& Objects.equals(values[index2], value2)
&& Objects.equals(values[index3], value3)) {
return this;
Object[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(this.values, SIZE);
boolean[] newPresent = Arrays.copyOf(this.present, SIZE);
newValues[index1] = value1;
newPresent[index1] = true;
newValues[index2] = value2;
newPresent[index2] = true;
newValues[index3] = value3;
newPresent[index3] = true;
return new GameData(newValues, newPresent);
* Returns {@code this} if this map contains a mapping for the specified key or throws a
* {@link NoSuchElementException} otherwise.
* @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested
* @return {@code this}
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this map contains no mapping for the specified key
* @see Map#containsKey(Object)
@Contract("_ -> this")
public GameData require(@NotNull Key<?> key) {
if (!present[key.index()]) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not find required value '" + key + "'.");
required[key.index()] = true;
return this;
* Returns {@code this} if this map contains a mapping for each of the specified keys or throws a
* {@link NoSuchElementException} otherwise.
* @param keys keys whose presence in this map is to be tested
* @return {@code this}
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this map contains no mapping for at least one of the specified keys
* @see #require(Key)
@Contract("_ -> this")
public GameData require(Key<?>...keys) {
for (Key<?> key : keys) {
return this;
* Returns {@code this} if this map contains a mapping for both the specified keys and the specified map contains
* a mapping for each entry in the specified list.
* @param list key to a list whose entries' presence is to be tested
* @param map key to a map which must contain the specified keys
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return {@code this}
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this map contains no mapping for at least one of the specified keys or if
* the associated map contains no mapping for at least one of the entries of
* the associated list
@Contract("_,_ -> this")
public <K, V> GameData requireEach(Key<? extends Collection<K>> list, Key<Map<K,V>> map) {
require(list, map);
var mapValue = get(map);
var listValue = get(list);
for (K k : listValue) {
if (!mapValue.containsKey(k)) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return this;
* Retains only the mappings that have been required since object creation.
* @return {@code this}
public GameData clean() {
Object[] newValues = Arrays.copyOf(this.values, SIZE);
boolean[] newPresent = Arrays.copyOf(this.present, SIZE);
boolean modified = false;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
if (!required[i]) {
newValues[i] = null;
newPresent[i] = false;
modified = true;
if (modified) return new GameData(newValues, newPresent);
else return this;
@Accessors(fluent = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public static class Key<T> {
String name;
int index;
public String toString() {
return name();
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states;
public class InvalidDataException extends RuntimeException {
public InvalidDataException(String message) {
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states;
public interface State {
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Context;
default void onEnter() {}
default void onTimeout() {}
public interface State<S extends State<S,C>, C extends Context<S,C>> {
default void onExit() {}
default void onEnter(C context) {}
default void onTimeout(C context) {}
default void onExit(C context) {}
@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
public final class Finishing extends GameState {
public final class Finishing extends GameState {
public Finishing(Game game, GameData data) {
public Finishing(GameData data) {
super(game, data.requireScore());
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
getGame().notify(new ScoreMessage(getScore()));
game.notify(new ScoreMessage(get(SCORE)));
@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round.StartingRound;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round.StartingRound;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
public final class Starting extends GameState {
public final class Starting extends GameState {
public Starting(Game game, GameData data) {
public Starting(GameData data) {
super(game, data);
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
transition(new StartingRound(getGame(), getData().withRound(0).withScore(Collections.emptyMap())));
transition(game, new StartingRound(getData().with(
SCORE, Map.of()
@ -1,50 +1,46 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Deck;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Deck;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
public final class Dealing extends RoundState {
public final class Dealing extends RoundState {
private transient Map<UUID, List<Card>> hands;
public Dealing(Game game, GameData data) {
public Dealing(GameData data) {
super(game, data);
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
Deck deck = new Deck(getGame().getConfig().cards());
Deck deck = new Deck(game.getConfig().cards());
hands = new HashMap<>();
var hands = new HashMap<UUID, List<Card>>();
int dealer = getRound();
int round = get(ROUND);
int playerCount = getPlayerCount();
int playerCount = getPlayerCount();
int cardCount = getRound() + 1;
int cardCount = round + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= playerCount; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= playerCount; i++) {
int player = (dealer + i) % playerCount;
int player = (round + i) % playerCount;
hands.put(getPlayer(player), deck.draw(cardCount));
hands.put(getPlayer(player), deck.draw(cardCount));
Optional<Card> trumpCard = Optional.ofNullable(deck.draw());
for (UUID player : get(PLAYERS)) {
game.notify(player, new HandMessage(player, hands.get(player)));
transition(new DeterminingTrump(
Card trumpCard = deck.draw();
transition(game, new DeterminingTrump(
HANDS, Map.copyOf(hands),
TRUMP_CARD, trumpCard
public void onExit() {
if (hands != null) {
for (UUID player : getPlayers()) {
getGame().notify(player, new HandMessage(player, hands.get(player)));
@ -1,87 +1,71 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.messages.player.PickTrumpMessage;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.messages.player.PickTrumpMessage;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.messages.player.PlayerMessage;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.messages.player.PlayerMessage;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.model.Card;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.UUID;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
import static;
import static;
public final class DeterminingTrump extends RoundState {
public final class DeterminingTrump extends RoundState {
private transient Card.Suit trumpSuit;
public DeterminingTrump(GameData data) {
super(data.require(TRUMP_CARD).requireEach(PLAYERS, HANDS));
public DeterminingTrump(Game game, GameData data) {
super(game, data.requireAllHands().requireTrumpCard());
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
Card trumpCard = getTrumpCard();
Card trumpCard = getData().get(TRUMP_CARD);
Card.Suit trumpSuit = trumpCard != null ? trumpCard.getTrumpSuit() : Card.Suit.NONE;
Card.Suit trumpSuit = trumpCard != null ? trumpCard.getTrumpSuit() : Card.Suit.NONE;
if (trumpSuit == null) {
if (trumpSuit == null) {
getGame().notify(new TrumpMessage(getTrumpCard(), null));
game.notify(new TrumpMessage(trumpCard, null));
getGame().notify(new UserInputMessage(getDealer(), PICK_TRUMP, getTimeout(true)));
game.notify(new UserInputMessage(getDealer(), PICK_TRUMP, getTimeout(game, true)));
} else {
} else {
this.trumpSuit = trumpSuit;
transition(game, trumpSuit);
public void onTimeout() {
public void onTimeout(Game game) {
Card.Suit[] suits = new Card.Suit[] {Card.Suit.BLUE, Card.Suit.GREEN, Card.Suit.RED, Card.Suit.YELLOW};
Card.Suit[] suits = new Card.Suit[]{Card.Suit.BLUE, Card.Suit.GREEN, Card.Suit.RED, Card.Suit.YELLOW};
this.trumpSuit = suits[(int)(Math.random() * suits.length)];
transition(game, suits[(int) (Math.random() * suits.length)]);
public void onExit() {
if (trumpSuit != null) {
getGame().notify(new TrumpMessage(getTrumpCard(), trumpSuit));
public void onMessage(UUID player, PlayerMessage message) {
public void onMessage(Game game, UUID player, PlayerMessage message) {
if (getDealer().equals(player) && message instanceof PickTrumpMessage trumpMessage) {
if (getDealer().equals(player) && message instanceof PickTrumpMessage trumpMessage) {
this.trumpSuit = trumpMessage.getTrumpSuit();
transition(game, trumpMessage.getTrumpSuit());
} else {
} else {
super.onMessage(player, message);
super.onMessage(game, player, message);
void checkTrumpSuit(Card.Suit suit) {
void checkTrumpSuit(Card.Suit suit) {
Card.Suit[] suits = new Card.Suit[] {Card.Suit.BLUE, Card.Suit.GREEN, Card.Suit.RED, Card.Suit.YELLOW};
Card.Suit[] suits = new Card.Suit[]{Card.Suit.BLUE, Card.Suit.GREEN, Card.Suit.RED, Card.Suit.YELLOW};
for (Card.Suit s : suits) {
for (Card.Suit s : suits) {
if (s == suit) return;
if (s == suit) return;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trump suit must be one of " + Arrays.toString(suits) + ".");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trump suit must be one of " + Arrays.toString(suits) + ".");
private void transition() {
private void transition(Game game, @NotNull Card.Suit trumpSuit) {
if (trumpSuit == null) throw new AssertionError();
game.notify(new TrumpMessage(getData().get(TRUMP_CARD), trumpSuit));
transition(game, new Predicting(getData().with(
transition(new Predicting(
TRUMP_SUIT, trumpSuit,
CURRENT_PLAYER, getNextPlayer(getDealer())
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameState;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.UUID;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
public abstract class RoundState extends GameState {
public abstract class RoundState extends GameState {
public RoundState(Game game, GameData data) {
public RoundState(GameData data) {
super(game, data.requireRound().requireScore());
super(data.require(ROUND, SCORE));
protected UUID getDealer() {
protected UUID getDealer() {
return getPlayer(getRound() % getPlayerCount());
return getPlayer(getData().get(ROUND) % getPlayerCount());
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.round;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
public final class StartingRound extends RoundState {
public final class StartingRound extends RoundState {
public StartingRound(Game game, GameData data) {
public StartingRound(GameData data) {
super(game, data);
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
transition(new Dealing(getGame(), getData()));
transition(game, new Dealing(getData()));
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.trick;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.trick;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.Game;
import eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.GameData;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.machine.states.GameData.*;
public final class StartingTrick extends TrickState {
public final class StartingTrick extends TrickState {
public StartingTrick(Game game, GameData data) {
public StartingTrick(GameData data) {
super(game, data);
public void onEnter() {
public void onEnter(Game game) {
transition(new PlayingCard(
transition(game, new PlayingCard(getData().with(STACK, List.of())));
@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.util;
package eu.jonahbauer.wizard.core.util;
public record Pair<F,S>(F first, S second) {
import java.util.Map;
public record Pair<F,S>(F first, S second) implements Map.Entry<F,S> {
public static <F,S> Pair<F,S> of(F first, S second) {
public static <F,S> Pair<F,S> of(F first, S second) {
return new Pair<>(first, second);
return new Pair<>(first, second);
public F getKey() {
return first();
public S getValue() {
return second();
public S setValue(S value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Reference in New Issue