@ -18,28 +18,32 @@ public record Vec3(double x, double y, double z) {
* {@return a uniformly random vector with components in the range [-1, 1)}
* {@return a uniformly random unit vector}
public static @NotNull Vec3 random(@NotNull RandomGenerator random) {
return new Vec3(
Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1),
Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1),
Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1)
double x, y, z;
double squared;
do {
x = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
y = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
z = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
squared = x * x + y * y + z * z;
} while (squared > 1);
var factor = 1 / Math.sqrt(squared);
return new Vec3(x * factor, y * factor, z * factor);
* {@return a uniformly random unit vector}
public static @NotNull Vec3 random(@NotNull RandomGenerator random, boolean unit) {
if (!unit) return random(random);
Vec3 vec;
public static @NotNull Vec3 randomOppositeHemisphere(@NotNull RandomGenerator random, @NotNull Vec3 direction) {
double x, y, z;
double squared;
do {
vec = random(random);
squared = vec.squared();
} while (squared > 1);
return vec.div(Math.sqrt(squared));
x = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
y = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
z = Math.fma(2, random.nextDouble(), -1);
squared = x * x + y * y + z * z;
} while (squared > 1 || direction.x() * x + direction.y() * y + direction.z() * z >= 0);
var factor = 1 / Math.sqrt(squared);
return new Vec3(x * factor, y * factor, z * factor);
public static @NotNull Vec3 reflect(@NotNull Vec3 vec, @NotNull Vec3 normal) {